JRP'S assistant.
First, let me just start off by saying how is it already January 21st?! It was just Christmas! I mean, I'm still recovering from the holidays. And I'm pretty sure I'm still in a food coma from all the holiday food. With that being said, because I'm not quite ready to return to my inbox, I decided to hire an assistant! He's a lot of fun! Our agreement isn't half bad... I pay him in Apple juice, playtime, & Cheetos. Although, sometimes he likes throwing things at me & he's incredibly emotional. He cries for everrrrything! But he also smiles for everything so that's good :)
Actually, he's pretty amazing! You'd be jealous if you could see what he can make happen to a computer just by slamming his hands (sometimes head) on the keyboard. He's pretty talented, to say the least.
Checking emails, responding to inquires....drinking some apple juice! Pretty intently, might I add.
YAY! We booked a session! This translates into: More Apple juice for oliver!
2015 is going to be a great year! I plan to lose my head in the clouds more often!
Planner is Kate Spade you can find it here: http://m.katespade.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-Shop-Site/en_US/Product-Show?pid=143034
My desk wasn't a mess!!?! So I took some pictures :)